Study in USA
10,000 - 22,000 ( depending on state)
Fall: starts in August
Spring: Starts in January
Summer:(minor) starts in May
55,000 per year
232,000 +
25,000 to 50,000
depending on
Public or private university
1 million +
The IT industry has been key to the economy’s recovery and has influenced most other industries with digitalization and advanced technologies such as artificial intelligence and machine learning. Health care has benefited from new technologies and a demand for increased products and services due to the growing and aging population.
10,000 USD - 22,000 USD
232,000 +
55,000 USD per year
Aug, Jan, May
25,000 USD to 50,000 USD
depending on
Public or private university
1 million +
International students often spend $25,000 to $35,000 year at public universities and $30,000 to $45,000 annually at private colleges. Some private institutions have annual costs as high as $50,000–$55,000. Attending a community college is a less expensive choice.
In order to help its students, pay for their tuition and other costs, several colleges in the USA offer scholarships, grants, and work-study programs. Both students with financial need and students who have achieved good test scores are eligible for some of these grants